Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sherlock Holmes' flat

There are three radio dramatisations I regularly love to listen to whilst I am painting and never seem to tire of: PG Wodehouse, Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes. I am also just a general fan of anything Sherlock Holmes, so it was interesting to watch the recent and enjoyable bbc series of Sherlock Holmes on TV, which is set in modern day London. Somehow though, the flat was good but just didn't seem quite right.

And I couldn't help but wonder what I would imagine Sherlock Holmes' flat to look like, especially a modern day version. I imagined it to still have a lot of curiosities and odd objects around,

especially Asian antique ephemera. Holmes was an opium addict, which unfortunately would have translated well to modern day but perhaps not for the bbc!

I think there would also be evidence of some odd projects and experiments going on. This mixologist's kitchen with its' test tubes and funny equipment (as photographed by the Selby) is along the lines of the kind of place I imagine. I think there would also be a pantry too. A lot of the properties on Baker Street still seem to have this funny architectural remnant.

And despite having a computer, I think Sherlock would still have a lot of paper mess and piles of papers.

The general mood of this feels right, as do many of the flats photographed by the Selby. They have the right degree of mess!

This bedroom is also along the right lines, although it is a little too interior designed. Tell me, what would you imagine a modern day Sherlock Holmes' flat to look like?

Images: Baker Street tube from the Guardian, via apartment therapy, Steven Martin, Tony Colebrook's flat The Selby, unknown, Sean McPherson's place via the Selby, Hubert Zandberg;s apartment via Litwin Davies

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Romantic jewellery

As you know we all love jewellery in the studio and some of us are not averse to being romantic either! So here's Anzu's top picks for romantic jewellery. Above our diamond heart necklace card is perfect for an anniversary.

We love this bangle featuring a pair of peacocks by Rajiv Arora, Kabiri.

With its two halves together, this stunningly simple pearl ring from Melanie Georgacopoulos would make a modern alternative for an engagement ring.

These diamond twig eternity rings from Bittersweet are charming and modern.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Anzu pick of the week, by Ellen

One of our new cards, and perfect for today. It's like walking through a sprinkler!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Year of the Dragon

The year of the dragon starts tomorrow! 1st Dibs have compiled a beautiful selection of things be it these pieces of dragon jewellery, jade earrings, chrysanthemum cheongsams, and a stunning Chinese bridal sedan chair. Click here to see more. And for tips on how to prepare, click here

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone that came to Top Drawer this week, and for making it such a great show! Birmingham Spring Fair next, where we'll also have some extra new goodies. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Inspiration boards

I always love inspiration boards, and I love these inspiration boards of fashion designers photographed by Hywel Davies. Can you guess who is who?

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Anzu at Top Drawer!

Hope to see you there!!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

More studio inspiration..

The new Anzu studio is getting nearer and nearer completion. The builders are out hopefully by the end of this week, which means that we are now at the fun bit of finishing touches! Hooray! These are some of the pictures that I've been looking at for inspiration - some for the general mood, others more for specific details. We won't have anything with such a vibrant colour as this, but I like the metallic table in this office above,

I like the general feeling of this office and just the space of it,

this desk is amazing and I also love the marble,

love the combination of french grey, gold and mirror

like the way the furniture and paintings have been arranged in this hallway area,

and the way the chairs are grouped here and the mirror (but who would expect less from Tom Ford?)

and the geometric brass fittings with the hydrangea

Images: Unknown, via So Haute, unknown, Mary McDonald, Mary McDonald, Tom Ford ,Tory Burch

Friday, 6 January 2012

Stunning jewellery boxes

We're all a bit jewellery mad in the Anzu office, as you can tell from our card collections and what better boxes to keep your jewellery than these? Created by David Linley, the one above is a fine recreation of the Casino Marino.

We also love this humidor based on the famous Partagas cigar factory.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


In a decadent mood today in the office - in our designing that is, unfortunately not our lifestyle!

Images: unknown, a photograph of a Celia Birtwell dress via paristocrats

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

We want this book..

We love the look of this book. With great watercolours of set designs ranging from Dr. Zhivago to North by Northwest (my favourite) it looks like a fascinating read. Can you tell which picture is from which film?

Sunday, 1 January 2012


Anzu would like to wish everyone a
Thank you so much for all your enthusiastic support this year and bring on 2012!

The fireworks over the Thames last night were AMAZING. A truly inspirational way to start the year. Above are a couple of historical examples, but if you want to see last night's incredible fireworks just click here

Images: Duke of Richmond's Fireworks 1749 via onlyausten.com, James II coronoation fireworks engraving via Warwick university.