Thursday, 31 December 2009

Say goodbye to 2009!

2010 awaits -

burst some balloons,

dance for hours,

make numerous toasts,

but just don't end the evening like this! Hope you all have a lovely time.

Images via, a scene from Gold diggers of 1933, Fred Astaire in Life magazine, High Society via photobucket, Clara Bow in Call her savage via drx

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Ellen! Did you see the fireworks in London? Weren't they gorgeous? Hope you had a good one. We were packing, but managed a drink and a peek from a little down the river. So jealous you got into P'sham Nurseries over the holiday. I'll bet it was good. I can still taste the lamb I had there last March. Toodle pip! All best for 2010.
