Friday, 21 October 2011

Edward Burra

My friend Jasmin (not to be confused with Anzu's Jasmine!) has been working on a documentary on the artist Edward Burra which is going to be shown on the Culture show tomorrow and BBC4 at 10pm Monday night.
Burra liked to paint Harlem, people sitting at cafes or listening to jazz and urban life scenes although he did also paint more typical English landscapes.

One of the things that is inspiring about Edward Burra was that like Frida Kahlo he was in pain for much of his life, but battled through that to create a legacy of work. Despite crippling arthritis, Burra would only sleep five or six hours a night and would paint until he had worn himself out. It is thought that he began to paint watercolour because it was physically easier for him to paint than oil as you could be in a sitting position.

Whilst looking for images, I came across this one below, where Southville Primary school had re-created the painting, which I thought was quite funny. Bet they had fun doing it.

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