Although the blossoms weren't quite out on the trees whilst I was in Japan, I saw many wonderful blossom flower arrangements and lovely Sakura products.
Above is the huge display of blossom in the Mitsukoshi lobby.
Pretty blossom stationery in the amazing 9 floor stationery shop, Itoya, where you can also buy Anzu cards.
Blossom on both sides of the door framed the entrance of this florists. The photo doesn't do it justice.
Sakura sweets everywhere. Above and below from Minamoto Kitchoan, also available in London and New York.
Sakura cake - another lovely gift in Japan. It was delicious.
I also bought Sakura vert tea from Lupicia. They do amazing teas.
A cherry blossom table styled by a lovely lady who dropped by the Anzu exhibition, Kouko Ishizaki, in the book Table Decoration.
Lovely post! Cherry blossoms is divine and I really would love to go to Japan to see the bloom.