The World cup is not far away, and if like me you are planning on football parties but are not into 'football decor!' why not turn your house into a tropical Brazilian paradise for the duration of the cup
Think beach style and rig up a gorgeous lounge area in your sitting room. With overlapping rugs and lots of loungy cushions for people to crash out on.
Think of the colours of a Brazilian street and you can't go wrong. These streamers would also work a treat too
Then pile it up with lots of plants and palms. I love this outside seating area as photographed by Brazilian photographer, Tuca
Even just one will give that holiday feel. Isn't this room gorgeous?
Throw in a hammock for good measure
Then turn on the large screen tv, mix up some Caipirinhas (recipe here) and put on some crazy samba music (link here) and you're good to go! (Anzu illustration above)
J'aime beaucoup cette rue aux maisons colorées, plus facile de retrouver la sienne les soirs de beuveries...