The Seasons

Tuesday 29 January 2008

When you live in a big city, it is so easy to lose track of the seasons and that's a shame. I've always tried to reflect the seasons in my cards, and on my website. The anzu homepage changes with each season - our present website is illustrated by a hand holding cherry blossoms, a dripping bikini, a party cocktail glass or lighting a candle. For quite a while the website had the anzu tree growing on it - above is our winter lantern tree (available as a card too). I also love seeing the seasons reflected in shops both with their products and their shop windows and not just at Christmas. They are especially good at this in Japan and Continental Europe. Minamoto Kitchoan on Piccadilly always has the most beautifully wrapped seasonal sweets and in Luxembourg last year I came across a charming chocolate shop. It was autumn and their window was full of falling leaves, marron glaces and quince chocolates wrapped up in boxes trimmed with chestnuts and silk leaves.

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