I am a real fan of Paul Smith and in particular his whole attitude to life and I liked this quote that I read on Vogue.com this morning, "My top tip is to take it slow. Life is a joy. You don't have to be rich and famous straight away. Take it easy, grow gently and you'll have a lovely life".

I like everything about his attitude - his quirkiness, his sense of humour and fun, his down to earth attitude, the way he always mentions his wife and how they've worked together as a team, and the way he shows that you should take fun and inspiration from your work, not be serious and dull about it. As Vogue reports, "I don't think of work as work - it's just another part of life. THe artist John Coulson said once 'It's not what you take out, it's what you take in' and I like that saying."
I also always like the way his shops look - whether it's the apothecary shop he had refitted for his Covent Garden shop or his more rustic style Parisian shop, which I have to say looks much better in real life.

Always like the groups of pictures that he has in the shops (above is the Westbourne Grove shop).

Above is his antique/home shop on Albemarle Street, London. I love the way it looks too.

And there are always quirky objects that he finds that are fun too. Above is a robot created by Mr. Matsumoto that was in a Paul Smith shop exhibition (there's someone out there who I know will especially like this!).
So if you would like inspiration for your day, click here to listen to this talk that he gave, it's well worth it and if you haven't already read his book 'Inspiration in everything', what are you waiting for? Get it on Amazon here
Images: Vogue.com, all others Paul Smith