Today must be my lucky day. Loulou brought these lovely flowers for the office, and then my friend Maike sent me a wonderful email packed full of spring flower images - a sort of email bouquet. Here's the first part of it. Have a nice weekend!
I think a big part of me is seriously old-fashioned when it comes to interiors, whether they are English or French style. I love this photo of film star Hedy Lamarr looking as if she's having a civilised time sipping tea, with lots of books to read.
Or Coco Chanel's apartment with that stunning oversized suede sofa, lacquer screens and chandeliers.
It's such horrible weather outside, as Sherlock Holmes would say a real peasouper. It would be just so nice to have a sunny day and be outside, or perhaps I could make indoors look like this instead and pretend!
Images: via seehearsay blog, Japanese artist - if any of you know who it is, please let me know!
Don't worry we'll still be around to answer your sales calls, but we are essentially having a day off! Things have been so hectic and amazing recently that we have all been working ourselves to ridiculous levels including many weekends and evenings so we're all having a day off. Hooray!!
Image: Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth via
One of my favourite things to do at the weekend is to visit Columbia Road, and last Sunday some of the anzu team went with our lovely Japanese distributor Aki and for tea afterwards. It was such fun.
I loved that this guy was sitting doing some needlework in his flat whilst soaking up the atmosphere of Columbia Road and the band that were playing nearby.
It was pretty chilly but Spring had definitely sprung with lots of daffodils, crocuses and hyacinths on offer.
Not sure I would wear all of this, but I think the prints that the fashion designer Mary Katrantzou is doing are interesting, especially from an illustration point of view. They are distinctive, fun and cheerful, and mix images up nicely
Love the candy colours the three girls are wearing above.
Happy Valentines! So whether you send our Anzu heart locket card,
get this Yves Saint Laurent Love caviar (yes please!),
buy or wear these fun Stella McCartney Valentines knickers,
fill your house with flowers,
sink back on a bed of roses, or light one of our Bed of roses candles and finish with scones topped with Fortnum's delicious rose jelly be sure to enjoy yourself.
Images: Anzu, Prunier, Net-a-porter, Tim Walker, Anzu, Fortnum & Mason
Having walked around Spring Fair so much the past couple of days, I can safely say you really need to be wearing these or something like it! This is our trainers image from our new Men's collection of cards.
It's been a great show so far - thank you so much to everyone that made it. And yes we will be there tomorrow and the day after so you still have a chance to catch us in Hall 3 Stand T45!
I hope that is spelt right - anyway, Happy Chinese New Year! These photos from my phone are rather grainy but I loved the way the streets in chinatown looked with all the lanterns and I bought myself quite a few lanterns too. It is now the Year of the metal rabbit, which apparently is meant to mean the start of more tranquil times! Let's hope.
On Friday we had 'Anzu day', not to be confused with Anzac day! Talking about all the new things Anzu will be doing in 2011 and all the exciting things that have been happening recently, and also enjoying a rather nice lunch.
My Mum did a delicious honey and clove roast ham and brought cheeses from Yorkshire and women's institute chutney, Ruth brought a tasty salad with aspaparagus, courgettes and olives in it, and we had some rose champagne. Loulou took the fun pictures. It was a great day!