We are happy to say we have just launched Anzu junior crests over on www.notonthehighstreet.com . Each crest is hand-painted bespoke individually for each baby or child. Simply choose the template shape, tell us the child/baby's name and the things they love and we will hand-paint a crest for you. The crest above was created for 2 year old Chloe. Chloe loves monkeys, kites and the colours blue and green.

10 year old Sophie absolutely loves her horse Star and spends all her time after school riding Star in the beautiful fields that surround her home. When she's not busy horse-riding, Sophie also loves ballet.

7 year old Jack is not into football, but loves taking things apart to find out how they work, and his favourite toys are trains and lego.

After you have purchased your crest, the original piece of art will be delivered to you mounted and cello-wrapped. There is then the opportunity to buy cards and letter paper with your crest on them. Baby Mila Lavinia had a funny birth story involving carrots, and as daisies represent innocence her Mum felt they were the perfect choice for her newborn. This crest was then applied to birth announcement cards and letter paper.
If you would like to buy or know more simply visit www.notonthehighstreet.com and look for Anzu crests or click here