Last weekend I went to the Japan at Home exhibition at the Geffrye Museum. The purpose of the exhibition was chiefly to show that people have an idea of Japanese homes as being minimal, whereas often the reality is the exact opposite due to the lack of space. Above a little collection of objet - I didn't know owls are considered to be lucky.

Drawers with lovely kimonos in them.
After visiting the exhibition on the way back, as well as spotting about 20 Vietnamese restaurants all on one street, I came across this gallery, the Flowers galleries by accident.

And what a great surprise it was too! A really fun exhibition. I liked the cardboard people bowing by the door. In fact the whole exhibition of work by Jiro Osuga was amusing.

From the fake vending machine and slippers,

to the ninja poised above you ready to strike as you climbed the stairs,

to the people having fun trying on the masks

to the fortune stand at the end. Traditionally in Japan, these are in temples and the fortunes range from good to bad - if it's good you tie it on the line, if it's bad you throw it away.

This was my fortune - oh dear. Hasten to say I put it straight back!