I was amazed to see this hotel in Dubai which is due to open later this year. The Hydropolis Underwater Hotel and Resort, www.hyrdopolis.com , is 66 feet below the surface of the sea and stretches over 27 acres. This could be the view from your room!

To get to the hotel you have to take a transparent train down into the ocean. Previously, the only underwater hotel was Jules Undersea Lodge and to reach that you had to scuba dive.

Originally a research lab, this hotel was way ahead of it's time when it opened in the 1970s. It looks rather more basic, but has a certain Jacques Cousteau style charm to it! See www.jul.com

Another more luxurious option is the Poseidon Fuji, www.poseidonresorts.com , which is due to open early next year.

Another amazing view awaits you. The hotel is 40 feet underwater in a Fujian lagoon.

It's all quite amazing to me, and the stuff of childhood dreams. So until these open, why not read some Tintin

or watch Wes Anderson's Life Aquatic (one of my favourite films).

Hi there, I just stumbled across your blog and i really like what I have been seeing so far! :) Such a coincidence, I am from Dubai, but sadly I don't think that this underwater hotel is anyway near opening this year - seems like the crisis has hit this end of the world too!
Thank you.
Perhaps they had protests from the squid and octopus! Cross fingers both projects go ahead though, because it would be amazing.
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