It's so cold at the moment that the thought of actually being able to sit outside and be warm is like heaven to me, which is perhaps why this picture grabbed me so much in Vogue.

The company Outstanding in the field specialises in alfresco dining in the USA. For more information see here

Hi Ellen,
Thanks for the post! Thought you'd be interested to know that Outstanding in the Field founder Jim Denevan is leaving soon for a scouting expedition in Europe, where he's planning several dinners for September 2010 - including U.K., Italy, France, Spain, maybe Croatia.
Sign up on the website - www.outstandinginthefield.com - to see the schedule as soon as it's put together. Probably will be announced in February.
Cheers! Lisa
Just dropping by to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas
and a big thank you for your friendship throughout the past year.
From a very snowy UK
Di (Designers Block)
(Very)Cold weather in Spain also,brrr... so this post really helps to start dreaming in a not so far summer.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
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